$4.50 per page (comparable to $135 per hour of recording) covers transcription, spell check, audit-edit and proofread. Audit-edit ensures that no words were left out, added, or misheard. Proofread catches typos that spell check did not, and ensures the punctuation correctly reflects what was being said.
No Hidden Fees. There are no additional charges for opening or converting sound files, multiple speakers, or moderately difficult recording quality. If we can't decipher a word or phrase we use an "[unclear]" notation in the transcript, and you or the narrator will need to fill that in. We don't feel right charging extra and giving you less than a complete transcript.
Recordings are previewed for running time and sound quality when they arrive. An estimate of cost and turnaround time is then provided to you. If you then decide to withdraw the assignment, a small administrative fee for previewing will be assessed. There is no fee for previewing recordings that are then transcribed.
Documents are delivered electronically via the Internet. If you want your documents printed and mailed/delivered to you, a small additional fee will apply.
We're happy to provide written estimates. Please contact us: